Southend's Leading Arthritis Expert

Who Is
Ben Croxford?

Ben Croxford is the founder of Essex Coast Physio and the #1 arthritis expert in Southend. He has extensive experience from both the NHS and private practice across multiple disciplines including musculoskeletal, neurology and intensive care. This makes Ben exceptionally well-equipped to accurately diagnose and optimally treat a wide range of conditions

Who is Ben Croxford, and why does everyone want to see Him?

I’m the Clinical Lead at Essex Coast Physio, and I’m considered a leading expert in the treatment of arthritis in Southend-on-Sea.

At Essex Coast Physio, we’re passionate about ensuring joint pain and arthritis don’t prevent people from living a fulfilled and happy life.

It’s often the case that individuals are diagnosed with joint pain or arthritis at various stages of life and for various reasons. The only solution they’re given is a prescription for pain relief and are told they have to live with their condition simply because of their age. But in so many cases, that isn’t true.

As the leading arthritis expert in Southend, I’m committed to providing the right treatment at the right time, so you can get back to doing what you love with the people you love. My goal is to help you avoid relying on pain medication and allow you to avoid surgery down the line.

why does Ben Croxford's specialise in tretaing Arthritis?

Why is this so important? A lot of the time, my patients will say they’re in pain. But what that really means is that the pain is preventing them from kneeling on the floor to play with their grandchildren, walking the dog along the sea front, or engaging in the sports they love.

At Essex Coast Physio, we ensure that you’re not second-guessing yourself. If you’re invited to a social event or a luncheon with friends, we want you to be able to go without worrying if your joint pain will stop you from attending. We want to help you get back on the golf course without that nagging shoulder pain, back to paddle court, or back to playing football without knee and hip pain. Most importantly, we want you to enjoy those precious moments in life without joint pain hindering your experience.

This is one of the reasons I left the NHS and decided to go exclusively into private practice. I found that, while the NHS is wonderful at many things, the constraints of the public healthcare system often meant that I couldn’t spend enough time with my patients or see them frequently enough. This led to us relying on treatments like prescription painkillers. But if we could spend more time with our patients and have access to treatments not available on the NHS, we could provide a much better service.

I worked in the NHS for 9 years before transitioning into private practice, and I’ve been in private practice exclusively ever since. I can honestly say it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s truly wonderful to see our patients come in and out of the clinic every day, and we feel fortunate to be able to say that what we do for a living positively impacts our community and improves our patients’ lives.

what makes Ben Croxford Different?

I’ve been recognised as the leading arthritis expert in Southend for various key reasons.

First, we have the highest number of five-star rated reviews of any physiotherapy practice in the area. A reason for our high approval rating is that our patients consistently see results when they come to see us in the clinic, and they’re so thrilled with those results that they want to play a part in helping others in the community have the opportunity to experience the same benefits. They do this by sharing their positive experiences through five-star reviews, giving others the confidence to seek support from us.

What really drives this success is our proven track record with patients. So often, our patients achieve the results they’re looking for very quickly here at Essex Coast Physio. Part of the reason for this is the absolute devotion of the team I have assembled, who are fully invested in helping them reach their goals.

Our clinicians genuinely care about each patient’s success story. They put themselves in your shoes to truly understand how your arthritis and joint pain are affecting your life. This empathy drives them to get the best outcome for you as quickly as possible.

We’re passionate about bringing customer service back into healthcare. I can promise you that we’ll make you smile throughout the process. You’ll love your experience here at the practice – so many of our patients do. We even have some patients come and see us just for social visits, sometimes without even having an appointment. If they’re passing by, we say, “Come in for a coffee whenever you like.”

My primary goal is to make my practice an environment you want to spend time in and are comfortable to receive treatment in – something that isn’t very common in the world of healthcare.

Have You Got Important Questions? Arrange A Call Back!

If you’d like to speak with a Physiotherapist before you arrange an appointment or if you have questions about our services why not arrange a call back with one of our Physio’s?

Speak To Southend's Leading Arthritis Expert For FREE

Take control of your health with Essex Coast Physio’s free resources and expert support. Download our Free Arthritis Report to learn how to manage and reduce pain, or explore our social media for helpful tips. If you’d like personalised advice, arrange a Free Telephone Consultation to discuss your concerns and explore treatment options. For a more in-depth assessment, book a Free Joint Health Assessment at our clinic, where you can speak with our team about your goals and how we can help you live a pain-free life.

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